
  • Bartho Eksteen Sheep tells a Real Story Was it not for these woolly little creatures we wouldn’t have a story to tell … the story of Hermanuspietersfontein, however, is fact not fable.

    Overberg farmers of the early 1800’s preferred their children to be schooled in Dutch, forerunner of Afrikaans.

    They paid farm teacher Hermanus Pieters in sheep, which grazed at a spring under the Milkwood trees near the sea.

    In 1855, long after his passing, the village was founded in his honour, only for the postmaster in 1902 to shorten the name to Hermanus.

    150 years later we relived the past by naming our cellar brand Hermanuspietersontein and decided a sheep should tell our modern day tales.

    In memory of Hermanus Pieters and the passion of the people of the 1800’s we committed our wine names and labels to be exclusively Afrikaans.


    Tasting Characteristics: black olive, dusty, spicy, toast, with a European minerality. Violet to ruby colour; medium bodied, integrated tannins and a generous length.

    Pure intensity and a silky consistency. Elegantly structured with a fresh finish. Complex yet elegant

    Tasting Notes: There is a black sheep in every flock – a Swartskaap who doesn’t fit in with the rest.

    Different from the others, he develops his own style and character and achieves success in his own right. As the name suggests, “black sheep” makes for a remarkable wine, independent and confident, denouncing Cabernet franc’s status as “a blending cultivar”.

    Blend Information: 100% Cabernet Franc

    Die Arnoldus

    There is always someone in the family imposing his personality on the others – with good reason as he is usually unswerving and knows exactly what he wants from life.

    That’s Arnoldus – a man with gravitas. Die Arnoldus, Hermanuspietersfontein’s flagship red is a fully fledged Bordeaux-style blend. Characteristics: Plum, spicy, black olive, cashew with ruby, garnet colour. Rich body that xhibits rounded tannins.

    Die Arnoldus has solid length, pure intensity, rich consitency with a seamless structure.

    This wine has a persistent finish, a flowing balance and the overall impressionis that it is a perfectly integrated wine.

    Klein Boet

    A ‘little brother’ may live in the shadow of his older brother, but he is every bit a person in his own right. Pert and precocious, not allowing himself to be dominated, he can be impudent and mischievous – but is everyone’s favorite.

    An excellent example of a premium Bordeaux-style blend Characteristics: blackcurrant, black olives, lavender, cashew

    Colour: brick red to purple Body: medium Tannins: rounded Length: generous Intensity: distinct Consistency: supple Structure: round Finish: dry Balance: harmonious Overall Impression: Distinctly the “little brother” of Die Arnoldus Ageing Potential

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