Haute Cabrière

  • Haute Cabrière is a wine farm steeped in history and local lore. Originally granted to a French Huguenot farmer, Pierre Jourdan, on the 22 December 1694, it has been part of the Franschhoek Wine Valley fabric for over 300 years.

    Being a pioneer is intrinsic to Haute Cabrière and throughout its development and evolution it has always remained true to this heritage.

    In 1982, with a pioneering legacy in mind, the vineyards were replanted in the tradition of the Champagne.

    The wines and méthode champenoise that Haute Cabrière now create are products of that pivotal decision, made over 28 years ago, to focus on the classic Chardonnay and Pinot Noir cultivars.

    Brave unconventional decisions made then ensure that today Achim von Arnim, the famed proprietor, and the Haute Cabrière team, continue to add to the farm’s spirit, by specialising in an enticing range of champenoise which have been named after the original Haute Cabrière trailblazer and founder, Pierre Jourdan.

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