We found it! A new way to Explore & Experience the best New World Wines wherever you are


We have been pondering for some time now on how to get the greatest selection of wines in front of you, the wine drinker!

Particularly to be able to explore a wide range of wines and determine what you like.

We think we have found the solution!

We are all about variety and possibility…. and did we mention variety!

So what is stopping us?

Well lots actually…… the size of a bottle for starters.

They’re heavy, there is too much for just a taste, costly to send around the country and also not very responsible to open 6 bottles of wine in a single sitting.

We also thought about how to give our customers the ability to “try before you buy”?

After all, we want everybody to drink the wines they love.

So how do we enable this, especially with the stop-start approach to the world at the moment?

We think we have the answer and we are happy to shout it from the mountain tops!

Taste size bottles you can open, experience and enjoy anywhere you are!

If you like a wine, there may even be another sip left for you!

These taste size bottles are light, easy to ship, don’t break in transit and best of all you can try more wines more often without breaking the bank.

These first packs are mind blowing – we have teamed up with our friends at the ANZ Boutique Wine Show, with many of these featured Aussie wines being Trophy Winners – i.e. the best in the class.

Curious?? Visit https://shop.bravenewworld.wine/collections/tasting-kit-collection and find out more


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